Professional accreditation

Accreditation as a professional at Mostra Igualada has two modalities, depending on the professional (buyer or seller). To register, identify your profile and fill in the corresponding pre-registration form. The Mostra team will check that the information entered in the registration form is correct before sending the payment instructions.

Profile A – Buyers 

Programming organizations, distributors with 3 or more companies, special guests

  • 50€ per organization* (60€ from 28 February
  • Possibility to register up to 4 people per organization (paying 10€ as a supplement for the third and fourth person) 
  • 15 double invitations for different shows per organization (to be chosen in advance)
  • Possibility of buying up to 2 tickets at a reduced price per organization for the same shows for which invitation has been requested (in case of venues with limited capacity, professionals won’t have the possibility to buy tickets at a reduced price)  
  • Online access to the Professional Directory 
  • Access to the professional area and to PRO activities at Mostra Igualada 

Profile B –  Sellers

Companies, producers, distributors with less than 3 companies, associations, service enterprises related to performing arts, individual culture professionals, members of organizations in agreement 

  • 25€ per organization/professional for the accreditation** (30€ from 28 February
  • Possibility to register up to 4 people per organization (paying 5€ as a supplement for the third and fourth person)
  • Possibility of buying up to 8 tickets at a reduced price per organization, one week before the general public 
  • Online access to the Professional Directory
  • Access to the professional area and to PRO activities at Mostra Igualada 

Payment of the registration fee

Once the pre-registration has been received, the Mostra team will check that the data is correct. If so, you will receive an automatic email with instructions on how to make the payment. Payment can be made either by credit card or bank transfer. The registration will not be considered effective until we receive the payment correctly.

If we have any doubts about your pre-registration, we will contact you before receiving the payment information. If you have any doubts about your profile, or about the registration process, please send us an e-mail to

If you would like proof of payment for your registration, please include all your fiscal data in the last part of the form.

Accrediting for Mostra Igualada, according to the Igualada City Council, involves the payment of a fee, which means no invoice can be issued. However, a payment receipt can be provided. The receipt for the fee payment will be sent automatically once the amount has been received.


Professional Directory 

A few days after paying the registration fee, you will receive a username and a code to access the new online Directory of Professionals. From this directory, which will be updated daily, you will be able to consult all the accredited professionals, you will be able to apply filters according to type, interests, or origin, you will be able to export lists in excel format, and you will be able to consult the invitations and tickets requested by your organization.


Invitations and/or tickets at a reduced price 

From Februrary 10th, Option A accredited professionals will receive an email with instructions on how to reserve their professional invitations.

Professionals accredited under Option B will receive instructions on how to purchase discounted tickets during the first week of March.

In both cases, the purchase and/or booking of professional invitations will be opened prior to the public sale, in order to give all professionals preference and more access to the shows.



If you need accommodation during the days of the Mostra, please state this on the registration form.
Mostra Igualada will not cover the accommodation or subsistence expenses of the registered professionals.
This year, in addition to the usual hotel accommodation, we will once again be offering places in rooms with local families.
All accommodation will be managed directly by the Mostra.
+ info accomodation


Organizations in agreement 

*Free accreditation to members of Plataforma Arts de Carrer (PAC) and Coordinadora de Ferias de Artes Escénicas del Estado (COFAE), only if it is indicated in the registration form 

*For members of Grup Xarxa, 10€ discount, possibility of registering 4 people per entity at the same price, and possibility of buying 8 tickets at a reduced price one week before the public sale.

**Discount of 10€ on the professional accreditation - Profile B, only if it is indicated in the registration form, for the member of Associació d'Actors i Directors Professionals de Catalunya (AADPC), Associació Professionals del Circ de Catalunya (APCC), Associació de Professionals de la Dansa de Catalunya (APDC), Associació de Companyies de Dansa de Catalunya (ACDC), Associació de Companyies de Teatre Professional de Catalunya (CIATRE), Associació Professional de Teatre per a Tots els Públics (TTP), Associació de Professionals de la Gestió Cultural de Catalunya (APGCC), Associació Professional de Representants, Promotors i Mànagers de Catalunya (ARC), Col·lectiu de Companyies, Col·lectiu de Distribuïdores d'Arts Escèniques de Catalunya (CDAEC), Xarxa de Professionals de la Producció d'Arts Escèniques de Catalunya, Associació Gironina de Teatres (AGT), and Xarxa d'espais de creació i producció de Catalunya (XARXAPROD).