Fight against the impossible to stop being invisible
Three delivery drivers decide to stage a farce; exposing class inequality and mixing reality with their own fiction. Thanks to this juxtaposition, between the fictional world of a certain, "Don Izquierdo" and the reality of the riders, the three protagonists are able to appeal to the inequalities of the class system. All of this and more with a mixture of humor, eccentric characters, and iconic revolutionary songs; contrasting the harsh realities based off the testimonies of the riders.
Directora: Montserrat Bonet
Dramatúrgia: Gabi Jiménez
Intèrprets: Francesc Marginet Sensada, Abel Reyes Alabart i Marc Tarrida Aribau
Escenografia i vestuari: Clàudia Serra
Disseny de llums: Natàlia Ramos
Sorollista: Àlex Polls
Moviment: Esther Sabaté
Assessoria musical: Joana Rosselló
Veu en off: Vanessa Segura
Actriu vídeo: Laura Aubert
Fotografies: Beli Klein i Uri Escalé
Disseny gràfic: Carles Duran
Vídeo: Josep Selgar i Bernat Enrich
Producció i distribució: Cristina Ferrer
Agraïments: C. Cívic Parc Sandaru, Casa Orlandai, família i amics
About the company
In 2017 we premiered 'Y me morí: Cabaret mexicano tragicómico para tres difuntos', a piece based on Mexican texts focused on death and the precariousness of life in the countryside. And a year later: 'Bollywood Bombay Barcelona', a play that talks about racial prejudice through in an immigrant's journey from the place where he belongs to an unknown land.