
La Romancera Teatre (Catalunya)

04.01.2022 | 09:30 am, 11:30 am

Time: 9:30am | 11:30am

Price: 8€/5€
Age: +1 years
Language: Catalan
Length: 35 min
After the show, the children will participate in a 20 minutes creative workshop.



Gaze, Accompanying, Answers, Listening

'M.O.T.H.E.R.' is a musical show, as well as one that makes use of objects on stage. It targets small children and their families, who will hear and live the story of a mother who longs for her child with sheer delight and expectancy. Contains a post-show "creative workshop".  The mother prepares the room for the baby with infinite happiness as this awaits. Within this environment, a singing bird appears and spreads its melody and music everywhere, like and infinite thread that never stops sounding. Just like this, a journey filled with hopes, learning, emotions, findings, and songs begins. Imagining what her child will be like, she will also rediscover herself.

W.A. Mozart’s “the magic flute” will accompany us along such an intimate journey.


  • Idea original: Maria Santallusia
  • Dramatúrgia i lletres de les cançons: Maria Santallusia, Toni Sans i Rubèn Montañá
  • Música: W. A. Mozart
  • Direcció escènica i coreografia: Toni Sans
  • Direcció musical i arranjaments: Carles Pedragosa
  • Intèrpret: Maria Santallusia
  • Disseny d'il·luminació, so i domòtica: Sergio Sisques-Stagelab
  • Escenografia i atrezzo: Joan Pena i Maria Santallusia
  • Titelles: Joan Pena
  • Vestuari i caracterització: Maria Santallusia
  • Producció: Egos Produccions

About the company

The actress and creator Maria Santallusia graduated in musical theatre speciality at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona. After his career with Egos Teatre and other companies (she has perfomed at Auditori de Barcelona, Teatro Nacional de Catalunya and Teatre Lliure) she began a new solo path to rediscover herself as an artist and to implement different disciplines that she loves: singing, music, puppets and plastic beauty. 'M.A.R.E.' is his first show, always creating complicities with other artists.

09:30 am
 Cotxeres dels Moixiganguers
11:30 am
 Cotxeres dels Moixiganguers