Las Cotton

Anita Maravillas (País Basc)

03.31.2022 | 10:00 am

Price: 8€/5€
Age: +5 years
Language: No text
Length: 55 min

Premiere in Catalonia


Histories travel through emotions and emotions do not have age

Leaving behind the dangers of his hometown, the Cotton family heads to the city in search of new lives and opportunities. Among the rooftops and lights of the city, among the fabrics, threads and machines of the factory, the mother and her two daughters will experience new adventures and unknown dangers. But, this time, you are not alone and you will be forcefully thrown into the desire to be happy.

One more time, puppets ensure the creation of an imaginary, an aesthetic and codes that hep to explain "adult" concepts to kids.


  • Idea original: Miren Larrea
  • Direcció: Iván Alonso
  • Intèrprets: Miren Larrea i Valentina Raposo/Maren Basterretxea
  • Música original: Fran Lasuen
  • Lletra cançons: Miren Amuriza
  • Il·luminació: Ion Chávez
  • Escenografia: Iñaki Ziarrusta (Atx Teatroa)
  • Disseny de vestuari: Betitxe Saitua
  • Construcció de titelles: Valentina Raposo
  • Atrezzo: Jabi Tirado
  • Cartell/Programa de mà: Maite Gurrutxaga
  • Registre audiovisual: Itxaso Diaz
  • Producció executiva: Ainhoa Bernaola
  • Producció: Iratxe Extremiana (Portal 71)
  • Distribució Catalunya: MonicaDeGira
  • Distribució: Portal 71

About the company

Anita Maravillas is a company completely dedicated to puppet theater, with extensive training and research since its inception in Barcelona and shows produced in the Basque Country, in close collaboration with Zornotza Aretoa and the Portal 71 production company. The company was founded by Miren Larrea (Basque Country) and Valentina Raposo (Chile). Both were trained in different techniques of the puppet theater at the hands of puppeteers such as Pepe Otal, Jordi Bertran or Cia. Herta Frankel, with whom they came to perfect the technique of the string puppet.

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