De tu a tu

Col·lectiu Mur (Catalonia)

04.01.2023 | 12:00 pm

Price: 6€/10€
Age: +5
Language: No text
Length: 60 min


An integrated circus performance taking us on a journey of introspection into the personal relationships emerging in a duo.

What happens when two people, irrespective of race or circumstances, without prejudices, encounter each other alone? What emerges from that intimate, straightforward encounter?

'De tu a tu' is a journey of introspection into the personal relationships arising in a duo, when one individual is facing another, without any third party, without any interferences, and once that awkward moment inherent to every communication process has passed, things start happening. What is born is truth, boredom, play, love, understanding, listening, rage, fragility, complicity, manipulation, trust…

And these couples, as part of a complex fractal, as part of a seemingly irregular geometry for ever repeating on different scales: how will they interact when relating to each other?


  • Direcció i idea original: Nacho Flores
  • Ajudant de direcció: Jordi Querol
  • Actors: Jordi Mas, David Candelich, Sergio Pla, Nacho Flores, Alberto Munilla, Kike Maltas, Oriol Morgades, Olga Pastor, Manolo Osorio i Sergio Conesa
  • Disseny de llums: Xavi Valls
  • Producció executiva: Quim Aragó
  • Administració: Camaleònica Produccions

About the company

‘Mur’ was this company’s first show with the aim of knocking down walls and doing its bit to make the world –where many in our society face many barriers and fewer opportunities– a better place, with the members of the company themselves. They are proof of those walls existing, and the possibility of tearing them down.

The aim of this new performance is for them to showcase with precision the coming-together of people once barriers no longer exist. An encounter allowing for intimacy and complicity between two people looking at each other on the same level.

In ‘De tu a tu’ (on the same level), they present a collaborative effort between all of the artists from the very outset, throughout the creative process, right up until it’s time to reproduce everything achieved in front the audience; a path on which everyone contributes and adds their way of being and living their own reality; and of course, the way they perform.

Within this intimacy is generated in the encounter, when two people can look each other in the eyes, when they are granted the opportunity to delve deep into the emotions and sensations as the point of departure: the source of this performance.

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