
Mos Maiorum (Catalonia)

03.31.2023 | 10:00 am, 08:00 pm

Price: 6€/10€
Age: +12
Language: Catalan
Length: 70 min


What will rural workers sing when the rural areas become a power plant?

In Sant Martí de Tous, a small village with 1,000 inhabitants, there is a project to build 168 hectares of photovoltaic panels on agricultural land. Power plants of enormous magnitude will change life forever in the village. Wired black mirrors will replace ears of wheat.

Welcome to a cathartic ritual in which a multitude of real testimonies will tell us about the energetic crisis and the way renewable energies are implemented. A public agora from where we can listen to different voices, atavistic chants and electromagnetic impacts.

'Solar' is a show-liturgy officiated by three performers/musicians about the energetic crisis and the photovoltaic power plants business in depressed rural areas; leading to the loss of identity of the rural world and the food sovereignty. A liturgical act in which two colliding worlds in conflict will clash: wheat and laser, voice and mirror, memory and wires.


  • Creació col·lectiva: Mos Maiorum
  • Direcció artística: Ireneu Tranis
  • Direcció escènica i disseny d’espai: Clàudia Vilà
  • Dramatúrgia: Ireneu Tranis i Alba Valldaura
  • Performers: Alba Valldaura, Martina Tresserra i Ireneu Tranis
  • Espai sonor i música electrònica: Guillem Llotje
  • Vestuari: Adriana Parra
  • Làser: Marcello Nardone - INZIST
  • Direcció tècnica i il·luminació: Dani Miracle
  • Assessor litúrgic: Marquet Sempere-Moya
  • Assistent d’escenografia: Lydia Cornillet
  • Constructor d’atrezzo: Xavier Arbonès
  • Dramaturga col·laboradora: Estel Solé
  • Producció: Muntsa Roca i Anastàtica Cultural
  • Coproducció: Fira Mediterrània i Festival de Llegendes
  • Amb el suport de: Generalitat de Catalunya, Ajuntament de Barcelona, CCCB, Factoria Sí i Ajuntament de Montgat
  • Agraïments a: Tots els testimonis entrevistats, Arnau Obiols, Fabra i Coats i Antic Teatre

About the company

Mos Maiorum is a theater collective from Barcelona founded in 2015. It is specialized in documentary and political theater and is committed to place the audience within the scenic situation using immersive formats. By doing so, it turns the stage into a public agora from which collectively think about issues that generate social conflict. Using the stage to carry out transformative collective catharsis.

It has three shows on tour and has won several awards including Adrià Gual '17 and Cía. Resident of Teatre Lliure '19.

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