
Joan Català (Catalonia)

03.30.2023 | 03:30 pm, 06:30 pm

Price: Free
Age: +8
Language: No texto
Length: 45 min

The installation is free but, to access, a ticket must be picked up at the performance place 30 minuts before the start of the show.


“My idea is to lighten the load that iron brings. It is a cold, squalid and dirty material, one that has accompanied me through my whole life, since I was child. In using public spaces as a locus for stage and play, I've been fortunate to find a spirit of community, a sense that the audience want to be a part of the action. They have a real respect for craftwork and the unique one-offness of the live performance" - Joan Català

A man drags a bundle of thirty iron pipes, each one a different size from the other,
looking for somewhere to take them.
He arrives at his destination and unbundles the tubes in such a way
that they take on a life –his life–in a tête-a-tête between the objects and the eyes that observe them.
As if by a twist of fate, "man and pipe"
come to represent something more
than their mere physical form.
They represent history, and memory.
They represent effort, stubbornness and poetry.
They are noise and toughness, but also lightness.


  • Idea: Joan Català
  • Interpretació: Joan Català
  • Assessorament artístic: Rubén Martínez, Quim Bigas, David Climent i Claudio Stellato
  • Espai escènic: Joan Català
  • Disseny de vestuari: Belén Eleonori i Joan Català
  • Agraïments: Belen Eleonori, Ivan Tomasevik, Matteo Frau, Martí Soler, Miquel Vich i Gerard Valverde

About the company

For Joan Català, the stage is a space in which human, object and environment interact, and work and play come together through craft, ideas and experiences. With a lifelong passion for sport, he has specialized in fine arts, the circus, contemporary dance and gestural theatre.
Since 2005, he has worked in different theatres and at festivals around the world with the companies Daraomai, Circus Klezmer, Los 2Play and Cia. Mudances-Àngels Margarit. In 2012, he began developing his particular vision of a performing arts designed for the street and urban environments with the show 'Pelat', which is still being performed around the world. In 2016 he premiered 'Menar', a two-person show with Roser Tutusaus. In 2021, he premiered '5,100 m/s'.
He has served as an artistic advisor to various companies, focused particularly on the arts of movement.

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