
Blink Flash (Catalonia)

04.06.2025 | 12:00 pm, 03:30 pm

Price: 6€/10€
Age: +0
Language: No text
Length: 35 min

Time: 12:00h and 15:30h


If you enter the forest... you will live a sensorial and artistic experience with us, the Kodamas!

In this movement and music show for 0- to 3-year-olds, the company Blink Flash invites them into the forest to find the kodamas, tree spirits from Japanese folklore. Two playful beings will accompany the little ones to become a leaf, a root or a flower, to feel how the wind moves and to listen to the sounds of the forest.


  • Idea: Montse Roig
  • Coreografia:  Montse Roig i Elià Genis
  • Ballarines:  Montse Roig i Elià Genis (o Berta Martí i Maria Quero)
  • Composició musical: Aida Oset
  • Músics: Aida Oset i Eduard Marsol
  • Escenografia: Mariona Valls Martínez, Nola Rey i Paula González
  • Vestuari: Manuel Mateos i Nola Rey
  • Disseny sonor:  Edu Marsol
  • Il·luminació:  Marc Lleixà
  • Acompanyament producció: Caroline Giffard
  • Acompanyament: Cristina Martí
  • Coproducció:  Mercat de les Flors
  • Amb el suport de: ICEC Institut Català d’Empreses Culturals
  • Col·laboradors: Programa Cos i Moviment (Mercat de Les Flors), El Graner Fàbrica de creació , Centre d’Art i Natura de Farrera, La Lleialtat Santseca, Coop57

About the company

Blink Flash is a dance-theatre company for young children and their families. With a poetic and contemporary approach, they use the body and movement to talk about emotions. The company was created in 2016, when the Mercat de les Flors and the Festival El Més Petit de Tots suggested that Montse Roig should create a stage show based on the Labs she was running in nursery schools as part of the Body and Movement educational programme, with the company becoming an established part of the daily life of nursery school children and teachers ever since.

