
La Mula (Catalonia)

04.03.2025 | 07:00 pm

Price: 6€/10€
Age: +8
Language: No text
Length: 60 min

Time: 19:00h


A journey through an amazed mind

‘Thauma’ is a poetic game in which top and bottom, background and figure, the big and the small are confused, creating different ways of seeing the same thing. It appeals to humor, beauty, mystery and the unexpected, and it follows the codes of the graphic novel and the theater of objects, proposing a landscape that gradually opens up, revealing its interior.


  • Creació i direcció: Magda Puig Torres i Andreu Martinez Costa
  • Mentoria internacional:  Dimitris Papaioannou
  • Dramaturgista:  Jorge Gallardo
  • Intèrprets: Marina Rodríguez, Juan Carlos Panduro, Erol Ileri Llordella
  • Disseny d'escenografia:  Victor Peralta
  • Disseny de so: Marc Naya
  • Disseny de llums:  Tony Ubach
  • Disseny de vestuari: Nídia Tusal
  • Enginyer d'artefactes: Pepo Carreras
  • Construcció d'objectes: Andreu Martínez i Magda Puig
  • Fotografies: Sílvia Poch
  • Producció: Oriol Escursell
  • Coproducció: Teatre Lliure i Nilak
  • Amb el suport de Figurteatret Nordland, Ivam Cada Alcoi, Museum of Music Barcelona and Generalitat de Catalunya

About the company

La Mula, formed by Magda Puig Torres and Andreu Martínez Costa, is a theater company that works with visual arts, puppets and space. It is interested in perception, its alteration and playful game. Understanding the scene as a space for expression, its work is marked by a plastic theater and research in visual dramaturgy.
