
Mariona Esplugues (Catalonia)

04.05.2025 | 07:00 pm

Price: 6€/10€
Age: +14
Language: Catalan
Length: 55 min

Time: 19:00h


Madness was invented by those who were too afraid to accept authenticity

‘Boja’ portrays the experience lived by the actress in the last 16 years visiting different psychiatrists. “What’s wrong with me?” Mariona has been asking this question for years to many people, included herself. No one can imagine that the answers to her doubts can be both unexpected and comical. An autobiographical show about the search for one’s identity and the meaning of life when it seems that nothing makes sense anymore.


  • Creació, direcció i interpretació: Mariona Esplugues
  • Direcció escènica i assessorament de producció:  Andrea Castellanos
  • Espai i vestuari:  Andrea Castellanos i Mariona Esplugues
  • Assessorament en la dramatúrgia i direcció: Marc Oller, Andrea Monje, Carol López, Andrea Castellanos
  • Suport audiovisual: Andrea Monje
  • Disseny d’il·luminació:: Ona Grau
  • Assessorament de l’espai sonor:  Marc Oller
  • Producció:  Mariona Esplugues
  • Comunicació i premsa:: Nil Martín
  • Distribució: Tot Produccions, Cristina Ferrer
  • Agraïments:  Carol López, Núria Sánchez, Queralt Casasayas, Eòlia, escola Superior d'Art Dramàtic

About the company

It is the first show of Mariona Esplugues company. She is the actress, playwright and director of the piece, winner of the Best New Actress award from Teatre Barcelona 2023. Mariona’s career also includes: collaborating with Dagoll Dagom, the Club Super3 (TV3) or Lazzigags, as well as creating other shows such as ‘Welcome to Siri’s Party’ (winner of the Bonnemaison grant) and ‘OAT’ (first prize of the Estació Escènika Festival), among others.
