Pourquoi un arbre est une poule? (Per què un arbre és una gallina?)

Ma Compagnie - Marc Lacourt (France)

04.04.2025 | 10:00 am, 05:30 pm

Price: 6€/10€
Age: +4
Language: Spanish
Length: 35 min

Time: 10:00h and 17:30h



Philosophical questions become inspiration to dance and draw and turn the world upside down full of poetry

Where do the words come from? What was the first dance? What do the abstract drawings in prehistoric caves mean? In a play space framed by black boards and a white floor, anything becomes possible: drawing on the walls, dancing all over the carpet, and even making things move. The work, created by the choreographer Marc Lacourt and the illustrator Delphine Perret, is a true Dadaist and libertarian overflow, in which dance becomes drawing and drawing becomes dance.


  • Idea, creació i coreografia:: Marc Lacourt
  • Creació en col·laboració amb:  Delphine Perret i Pauline Valentin
  • Intèrprets:  Marc Lacourt i Pauline Valentin
  • Tècnica en gira: Anya Masson
  • Producció: Manu Ragot
  • Producció i distribució a Espanya: Ana Sala i María Gallardo (Ikebanah Artes Escénicas)

About the company

MA compagnie was born in 2018 in Bordeaux with the aim of creating choreographic projects aimed at young children as well as the development of dance practice. The company is directed by Marc Lacourt, whose dance training takes place under the guidance of choreographers Toméo Vergès, Pierre-Johan Suc, Magali Pobel, Laurent Falgueiras and Ambra Senatore. His experience as a dancer runs parallel to his interventions in numerous workshops with children and adolescents, in schools and art schools.


