Calla, Judit, calla

Malsai Produccions (Catalonia)

04.04.2025 | 03:30 pm, 09:00 pm

Price: 6€/10€
Age: +12
Language: Catalan
Length: 60 min

Time: 15:30h and 21:00h


A dialogue, a confrontation between the word and the music that accompanies it, caresses it, pushes it and disturbs it

A space that wants to be home is inhabited by Judit, a young woman who doesn’t want to waste herself within the walls of the textile factory where she works and who questions whether other realities are possible in a life that does not allow her to feel free. Can she generate a radical transformation in her life and change the system that makes it spin?


  • Direcció i dramatúrgia: Maria Cambil
  • Ajudantia de direcció:Lluís Arruga
  • Intèrprets: Clàudia Ferrer i Carles Vidal
  • Espai sonor:Carles Vidal
  • Espai lumínic:Pep Arumí
  • Moviment:Laura Alcalà 
  • Fotografia: Iris Medina Iris Medina
  • Disseny gràfic:David Alsina
  • Producció i distribució:Maria Vidal
  • Coproduït per:Malsai Produccions, Fira Mediterrània, El Canal de Salt, L’Estruch, Festival Zeta, Ajuntament de Figueres i Ajuntament de Palamós
  • Amb el suport de:OSIC, Teatre Municipal de Girona i Sala La Planeta

About the company

Malsai Produccions is an emerging company from Girona and Menorca that was born in 2021. That same year they premiered the show ‘Anomalía y Excepción’ and the monologue adaptation of Pirandello’s novel ‘Un, ningú i cent mil’. Last autumn they premiered the new production ‘Calla, Judit, Calla’ at Fira Mediterrània with sold-out tickets for all three performances.
