Lizzie, el musical | © Laula Guerrero
Lizzie, el musical | © Laula Guerrero
Lizzie, el musical | © Laula Guerrero
The rock musical about the true story of Lizzie Borden, the axe murderer
In the summer of 1892, in Fall River (Massachusetts, USA), Lizzie Borden was accused of murdering her father and stepmother with an axe. The witnesses’ statements were inconsistent and contradictory, and there wasn’t enough incriminating evidence, so Lizzie was ultimately declared innocent. We will delve into Lizzie’s mysterious mind, weighing the motives she might have had to commit those murders: The loss of inheritance? Oppression? Sexual abuse? Mental imbalance?
- Autoria: Steven Cheslik-Demeyer, Alan Stevens Hewitt i Tim Maner
- Direcció artísticaAlba Collado
- Direcció musical:Judit M. Gené
- Coreografia:Candela Díaz Sanz
- Traducció i adaptació:Alba Grau i Gemma Maus
- Intèrprets:Alba Grau, Claudia Anyor, Gemma Maus i Ariadna Clapés/Candela Díaz Sanz Músics: Judit Morcillo (teclat), Marina Berlanga (bateria), Jordi Costa (guitarra), Juan Paso (guitarra), Manuel Luque (baix) i Maria Cardona (violoncel)
- Disseny d’espai i vestuari:Alícia L. Otto
- Construcció d’escenografia:Carles Tomás
- Confecció de vestuari:Ariadna Clapés i Elisa Boada
- Assessorament pedagògic: Laura Tamayo
- Assitent de direcció (alumna en pràctiques del Col·legi de Teatre de Barcelona): Alba Balboa
- Il·luminació:Quim Algora
- Disseny de so:Bernat Villà
- Tècniques:Laia Barón Duch i Xesca Duran
- Cartell:Marc Sirisi
- Fotografies:Laula Guerrero
- Producció:Les Biaix
About the company
Les Biaix is an emerging company that was born in 2020 as a result of its first project, ‘Lizzie, the musical’. Over the past four years, they have been refining the show in various areas, shaping it to consolidate both the production and the team. They seek projects with a feminist and gender-focused perspective and they aim to give a voice to communities that, in some way, deviate from the norm, paving the way for all their social and creative goals.