
Mostra Diversa with Farrés Brothers i cia (Catalonia)

04.06.2025 | 06:00 pm

Price: 6€/10€
Age: +4
Language: Catalan
Length: 50 min

Time: 18:00h

Show with invitation for Super3 members (until all free tickets available are sold out). This invitation requires the purchase of at least one paid ticket for the same show. Each paid ticket can purchase a maximum of four Super3 invitations.


Performance with the Grup Àuria as part of a social project at Mostra Igualada

We are all a combination of abilities and disabilities, strengths and vulnerabilities. Drawing from the myth of Frankenstein, working playfully with visual theatre and objects, we will speak about how a collection of different fragments makes up a person. What would happen if we changed some of the pieces that make us who we are? Would we still be ourselves? And if we create a new being by putting together our favorite pieces, what will come out of it? Perhaps unknowingly, we are building a monster...


  • A project by: Mostra Igualada
  • Original Idea and Direction: Pep Farrés and Jordi Farrés
  • Inclusive Theatre Facilitator: Jenifer Bordera
  • Performers: Gabriel Cardoch, Gemma Carrasco, Cristobal Vidal, Veronica Paz, Paco Barroso, Laura Navarrete, Isaac Mancebo, Sandra Viñals, Alex Gómez, Cristian Garcia, Montse Marchante, Miquel Castells, Veronica Paz, and Joan Mauri
  • Costume Design and Production: Farrés Brothers i cia and Llorencet Corbella “Passerell”
  • Sound Design: Farrés Brothers i cia
  • Set and Lighting Design: Llorencet Corbella “Passerell”
  • Set and Props Construction: Llorencet Corbella “Passerell” and Farrés Brothers i cia
  • Photography: Mireia Guilella
  • Production: Mostra Igualada and Maite Velázquez (Farrés Brothers i cia)
  • Communication (Farrés Brothers i cia): Martí Rossell
  • Communication (Àuria Grup): Joan Marc Claramunt
  • In collaboration with: Àuria Grup

About the company

Mostra Diversa is an inclusive project linked to the Mostra Igualada with the aim of giving visibility to the artistic abilities of people with functional diversity. It seeks to create a space for expression, participation, and scenic creation that breaks down barriers and promotes social inclusion through theatre. The project includes regular rehearsals in which participants, under the direction of a professional team, work on creating a performance that is presented as part of the Mostra. This 2025 the project is led by Farrés Brothers i cia.